
Nancy Xiao (FMLC Youth Group)

I have a question for all of you brothers and sisters. Don’t worry, it’s not rhetorical, so you can answer or respond if you want. How many of you here have ever felt that maybe God just wasn’t there? Or perhaps, your parents were just lying to you about there being a God? Well, I think, for the first part of my life, I’ve always been in constant argument with myself over the truth of God.


Katherine Xiao (FMLC Youth Group)

When I was told to give a testimony to the whole church, I was scared. However, Mom and Uncle Eddy told me that this wasn’t something to feel embarrassed about; if anything, it was about pleasing God. Nonetheless, it took a few attempts for me to become excited over it. But, God seemed to be urging me on, cheering me on, and telling me to tell others more about our encounters. I remember, when I was little, I often got in trouble. My mom often told me to obey my parents.



當別人問我教什麼數學,我發現自己會在回答前後加個註明,新老師都教這些,好像三角涵數、微積分之類的答案才能顯示我夠棒,這些年來,我漸漸地明白,那 不是教數學的聲音,並非憑空想像。



