
Nancy Xiao 11th grader / Lynn Chen

8/1/2012 Taitung

Dear Youth Parents, 
Today was a long and very busy day but ALL of the youth kids worked incredibly hard to prepare for the Vacation Bible School (VBS) starting tomorrow. :) We are so proud of them and being here with them has been such an incredible joy. ^_^ 
Today's update is from Nancy Xiao, 11th grader:  

Dear parents,
How are you? I hope you are all doing well and are happy in Jesus. We are having a great time here, worshipping the Lord corporately and serving Him.
Today we began the day with an hour of prayer. We prepared our hearts through prayer as we prayed for our own spiritual wellbeing, our mission team, Taidong, and our VBS camp. Afterwards, we spent time alone with God as we read the Bible and did our daily devotions. We also practiced and perfected the big group lessons of the VBS camp, the skits, by memorizing our lines preparing props and costumes. In the afternoon, we prepared all the crafts needed for the VBS camp, mastered the worship songs and the dances that we will be teaching, as well as learned how to make all the crafts.
Though today was eventful and long, it was extremely enjoyable as we became closer to one another and the Taiwan team. Please pray for each and every one of our members’ spiritual wellbeing and that there will be a revival in Taidong. Also, that the Lord will work through us and in Taidong and that many hearts will be touched and many will turn to Jesus and become a believer.
Thank you for the prayers and your love for us. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. God bless you.       2012 Taiwan mission team

 I have also attached some photos from our day today for your viewing pleasure ^_^.

Alice Teacher is helping David with his costume for our skit, he plays the bad guy.
Ray has a beard because he is playing Joshua in his skit group.

The Taiwan and FMLC teams working together to prepare crafts for 70 kids. We worked on craft preparation for almost 3 hours.

It was so sweet and wonderful to worship together in Chinese and in English. :)

These two pictures were taken tonight as we learned and practiced our worship songs with Nancy, Michelle, David, and Jeffery as our praise leaders.
We also got some super yummy sweet potato chips.
Delicious. :D We hope you are enjoying these updates! :) 

In His love, Lynn :)